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May I recommend transitioning scenes with Renpy's 'Dissolve' function. jumping scenes rapidly confuse my eyes while reading.

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can you work on the beginning again because it's won't allow me to pass through the rest of the game

It's happening to me too.

Idk what i'm doing wrong can someone help me?

Penny vs Pyrrha fight, in second half of it Penny  just  automatically loose all her aura and then *flame is gone*screen appear. and if i try any action game just load main menu without any errors or anything. Idk maybe i did wrong choice or didn't cleared some event.  


I'm, late as hell, but you have to go to your semblance and use "laser barrier" to survive the scripted attack.

honestly better late then never, thanks. 

games working fine now... im just having Trouble getting past the Scourge Boss fight... cause it keeps kicking me out of the game back to the title screen...

Quick question, is there still a 32-bit version? It's just to know if I have to start downloading it on Android from now on

on 4.4 the option to save disappeared on the blake route can you fix it. 

At what point?

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after the dance scene with blake about a roughly around that time

it was after David said if I do well, I bet she will be happy. it was after that line it happend

The disappearance is only temporary. Finish the gameplay section and it will come back.

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can it be fixed because it goes on for a while

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Look this needs to be said...

Whoever designed the MC to look like a wonder bread mascot and even more so, made his canon name freaking DAVID!

You inserted yourself.... I KNOW IT!

Fair play tho. I would too.

during the penny vs Pyrrha fight i am unable to access the skip save load and menu button under the text bar is this a bug?

At least you can finish it unlike me who loaded back into main screen without a things in the middle of it. 


Hi, every time I redownload the game, this error pops up. Is there a way to get the file 'Penny_Greet'?

When the update?

this was great I felt a little unsatisfied with the ending since following up the yang route but It was a great game

Um can some one help any i download both the com and Android versions but still have error 

I play computer one on joiplay I can't save or fight

for the Android so many missing screen shot well also can't use range weapons 

And when i done with the fight tutorial fight some time is crash 

This is... Amazing.
The writing is awesome and while I haven't played every route yet some had me crying, a lot had me laughing, it is enjoyable to the extreme
I can't say I'm massively into Visual Novels but this... is just beautiful.

Thank you for your lovely work and all you've put and continue to put into this.

Just wondering before hand, does this game have fem protag or gender neutral protag?

Hello, Seanna :) Sorry, but there's no alternate protagonists other than David for Sonata of Fire.


Sad, but understandable. Have a good day/whatever time it is for ya.

Do others experience this problem as well or is it just me? While I can choose "Ignore" it gets annoying due to how frequent it happens



Hello! This happens if you haven't applied the Voice Over Patch :)

Can I get instructions on how to apply it?

can someone help me get past phyrra vs penny ive tried many times and sturggle

is Evelyn really not dateable? I really like her character (I just started the game and got to the main part, and it says routes with characters "outside" of team JADE

if you look at the route guide it shows that you can indeed further your relationship with Evelyn 

Day 124 I believe is incredibly buggy. All the grimm fights make the game crash and the boss is practically impossible to beat without dust. The person who's suppose to be dealing the most damage, Jack, is only dealing 1 damage to the giant turtle thing. Pls fix or if it's intentional, pls tell me how to get past this.

We're sorry to hear about your issues. If you would like specific support, please come to the Community Discord Server.

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DAY105 the monster creature is bugged and the game crash everytime no matter how many times you restart. 

so i hope that bug can be fixed since i cant move on after that!

also i bought a costume in the shop for a character but what are they for since it only show a picture and nothing else?


I really like the game, especially the delivery of the story and character design. I feel like they got the characters mostly right. 

The only thing I wish they would do is to make some new game+, as playing all of that just to get more characters ending is super annoying.


BUG: I'm having a bug with Evelyn's outfits. I was trying all of them and she got stuck in her swimsuit, except for when she does one emote where she's in her maid costume but she takes up half the screen. I appear to be unable to get her back in her main outfit now, but I think I fixed the swimsuit/giant maid issue by putting her in costume #5 (I don't know what the cosplay is).


Not sure if this the right place to ask but I was on the server then it wasn't there anymore and the link no longer works

Deleted 2 years ago

174 according to walkthrough

when will there be a version with a bal with Blake

so you cheat 

Your a junkie

Everyone will know

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I'm using X-plore to add the voiceover and the lewds, and I've followed the instructions but it doesn't seem to work, so I'm wondering if I'm just being stupid so can anyone let me know if I am being stupid, the screen shot may not show it but I did navigate to Internal storage/Android/data. 

Im having problems with getting jpde to run it keeps popping up with the voice over error and i downloaded the voice over patch please help.

Hello, my question will be somewhat brief and it may have already been repeated a lot but I wanted to know if there is any way that by supporting through patreon a translation into Spanish can be made. I'm sorry if it's badly written, I don't speak much English and I used the Google translator.

Hello, Bellzama. Thanks for your question! We don't currently plan to translate it in Spanish but yes, further funding to the game allows us to do more things.


Pretty good, writing is soild, art is great other then a few placeholder images, combats is pretty easy and some gameplay mechanics like the scroll isn't finished yet. Also I tried looking so im just ask here, I got Weiss up to three hearts before winter appeared as is required for her path, but im on day 90 and so far there is no indication that I unlocked it, so did I miss something or do I have to wait until a certain day until her path begins?

I absolutely love this game and the future potential for the finished routes and gameplay, and I can't wait to download and play a later, more updated version. My only issue is why is Ozpin such an ass in this game?? I swear he wasn't nearly this bad in the show lol. 

are there any cheats

i already attached the rpa for the audio and the lewds yet its still not working, am i doing something wrong? ps. i am using mobile

You to go to the scroll contact, one say lewd on it call it and is asking you if you want to turn on the 18+ content

I think I've found a minor bug in Neon's route for the most recent public version (ver 4.17). I've met with her in the Amphitheater at night 3 times so far to learn how to trash-talk, and I seem to have unlocked her first Saturday event. But if I try to train with her again in the Amphitheater at night before I do her Saturday event, the game sends me back to the title screen without saving progress. I can reproduce it on different days, and I can provide a save file if needed, but the bug is minor, so I just thought I'd let you know.

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Hi i'm having an issue with this

I've made a game folder and pasted the rpa file into it but the problem is still here

What you have to do is go to your storage look for com.lizzy.jpde. then files make a folder that can say anything but put it as game for simpicity then paste the rpa file there and same for the nudes and that should work but i used the x-plore app so it may be different for you

How do I get an un-archived version of this game, or successfully unRen it (versions 11, 12, and 13 do not work)? The UI desperately needs some simple editing as a lot of text is too hard or too painful to read. Dark grey on black and thin font dark red on bright green????? I'm tired of eye-strain migraines trying to play this game. These are easy to edit fixes if I can just get access to the *.rpy files.

Going from 4.15.1 to 4.17, I'm having an issue where my old saves either load a few scenes behind the point where I actually saved, or fail to load completely resulting in the following exception. The saves still work in 4.15 though but are just buggy in 4.17.

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