JPDE2 EP06 - QoL2 Update

Hello thar, Meinos Kaen here, with an important bug fix!

NO LONGER SHALL YOU BE ON A TIMER WHEN FIGHTING! With the help of JPDE2's New Beta Tester, we've managed to identify the problem with the battle system that made the Game crash when an enemy's ran out of MP!

This has been plaguing us for a while now and, in the end, it was a problem of logic rather than code. We had created a function that, if the enemy ran out of MPs, would be given a weak no MP attack instead. Thing is, the comparison was with the MP the enemy would have at the beginning of the turn but enemies and allies attack three times per turn in JPDE2!

Once we realized that's where the issue was, fixing it took literally five minutes. Always have another person look at your code when you're having issues, peeps. Even if it's just to have a wall to bounce stuff off as you reason. It may save lives!

Ah, also: we've fixed another crash caused by a differently named sound effect. Enjoy!

P.S.: JPDE will be at SMMR of RWBY, an online only month long event dedicated to the original series!

- Meinos Kaen


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