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No hentai?(+18)?



Owh i like hentai...


I know this is late but i have a feeling Philo is the "Flame"

(1 edit)

i want to make sure of this so im probably asking a question 100 others have and if it gets annoying to do that i apologise, but when updates are released to the public do i have to download anything or do any steps to add them to my game or is it automatic and i do nothing?

edit:i dont have much time to play and stuff so i cant read the updates but i have a lil time so i read the latest one and it said turn on xtras in settings, how do i do that?

is naming feature will be implemented in part 2 or you decided to cut it out? 


Why does it feel like I always remember this no less than 24 hours after it updated, and no other times?

(Good game.)

Probably because it updates monthly and your brain now has a monthly alarm set to "JPDE TIME!". :3

Soooo like when I played this the first time, was like it stuck on episode one? Cause I wasn't sure if I was only messing with the first episode or if there was more...Cause after a certain point it just threw me back the main menu

Though it's been a month or so so I memory is a tad foggy on where exactly I was when it threw me back to the main menu

Right now we're at Episode 6 for the public, as you can see :)

What I mean is since there is several episodes does it mean that only one episode at a time is playable or does if one plays episode one does it continue onto episode two or....? Cause I am feeling like I only played episode one or whatever and it didn't let me continue afterwards just sent me back to the main menu

Episodes is just our way of calling updates. Newer updates contain new stuff and lets you continue where a previous update stopped.


I wasn't expecting that a dropbear would be in this game or the horned kangaroos. What's next, a damned cassowary?


...weeeeeeell... :3



(I did laugh when I saw the koala Grimm, those things literally only eat leaves with no nutrients whatsoever. If a cassowary Grimm does appear, it better be called the most aggressive Grimm that it actively seeks people even without negative emotions.)

(1 edit)

I have a complaint about the combat: While I was playing Ch. 6 I got off Patreon, during battle, if the enemy runs out of MP, the game doesn't seem to have a check to prevent them from using moves that use MP when they have none and causes the "an exception has accorded" screen. Attempting to ignore it causes a game over. 

Basically, every fight now has a turn limit. This is a problem when the grim you fight in this chapter seem immune to everything except gun attacks, despite the HUD stating otherwise. "Resists Melee" shouldn't mean the attack does zero damage. Electric and Ice attacks are also completely nullified. So, if you don't draw the right cards, or have characters that lack gun attacks like Jack and/or Penny, you have to save scum just to get anywhere. And while I can accept that, considering every time I download a new update my saves don't carry over, this is not something I want to deal with when ch. 7 is released.

I like the story. I enjoy every update. Please fix this so I don't have to deal with this nonsense just to get to the parts I'm here for.

Sorry to hear that. The fix for the NO MP situation is coming but, I'm sorry to say, from Episode 06 there's no more issues with the save files. As stated in the update post, you just need to use the update function in the Scroll Menu to fix your save file and then you'te good to go.

I guess you might have missed that post update? Or, as Episode 06 is currently only available to Patrons, maybe you didn't have access to it? :)

About the other elements, though:

1) that's demonstrably not true, other elemental attacks that are not the resisted or nullified elements do damage, just not as much as the the element an enemy is weak to (obviously);

2) the fight system is built around that. It's inspired by Megaten games where, depending on how prepared you are, fights are either long struggles or are over very quickly. There's plenty of dialogue hints at what's coming your way, especially in the latter half of Episode06, and you can change David's abilities on the fly.

You have a legitimate greviance about the MP Turn Limit. But about the other issues: the new save file thing has been fixed, elemental resistances work as intended, and battles will go well as long as you pay attention to what goes in-game and go in prepared.

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